June 19th, 2023 Category 1
Ways to Transform Your Property with Commercial and Industrial Painting Services

The appearance of a commercial property can impact its value, attract customers, and improve the lives of employees or tenants. Commercial and industrial painting services play a significant role in enhancing the overall aesthetic and value of the property. By providing a new coat of paint or protective coating, these services can significantly improve the appearance and value of the property.

If you are a commercial property or facility manager, you are responsible for maintaining and improving your properties. This post will discuss how you can use commercial and industrial painting services to attract more tenants, increase the value of your property, and improve the overall experience of those who use the property.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

The exterior of a building is the first thing people see, and it can create a lasting impression. A visually appealing and welcoming environment can make a property stand out and increase value. Professional painting services can transform the property’s exterior, including the facade, entrance, and parking areas.

One way to help you achieve curb appeal is by choosing a suitable color scheme and finishes for your property. Modern curb appeal ideas for commercial properties include clean landscaping, contemporary exterior colors, statement entryways, updated lighting fixtures, outdoor seating, updated windows, sustainable elements, and smart home features.

The color scheme depends on the type of property and its location. For example, a parking garage can have a glass façade and backlighting that transcends function to provide an attractive architectural façade.

Branding and Corporate Identity

Commercial painting services reflect and reinforce a company’s brand and corporate identity. The colors and designs used in a company’s logo and branding can evoke emotions, affect moods, and influence thoughts and actions. Choosing the appropriate colors can establish an emotional bond between a brand and its potential customers, whereas selecting the wrong colors can distance them.

Similarly, the appearance of a company’s building sends a message to customers, employees, and investors. It is, therefore, essential to align every aspect of a company with its brand, including the appearance of its building. Professional commercial and industrial painting services will help you choose colors synonymous with your brand and create a strong visual identity for the company.

By painting a building’s exterior and interior according to your brand’s color scheme, current and potential customers can distinguish the business from the rest. The colors transform into something much more than a visual aesthetic. They begin to represent your company’s mission and values and become a symbolic representation of what the business stands for and what it can offer.

Long-Term Protection

When you hire commercial and industrial painting services to paint your property, you get more than cosmetic improvement. Professional painters, such CoreCom, use high-quality paints and coatings that offer protective benefits that prevent weather, moisture, and environmental damage. Once you get the initial painting job done, practice regular maintenance and repainting, as it’s more cost-effective than potential long-term repairs.


As a property manager, it is important to consider commercial and industrial painting services to enhance your property’s aesthetics, protection, and value. CoreCom professional painters have the expertise and tools to do the job efficiently and with high quality, saving you valuable time and helping you stay on top of your building’s maintenance needs. Get in touch today and discuss how we can help elevate your property.

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